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Stranger(Under My Skin的歌词前面的英文独白式什么意思啊)

2022-09-12 17:17:30来源:
导读 每日小编都会为大家带来一些知识类的文章,那么今天小编为大家带来的是Stranger Under My Skin的歌词前面的英文独白式什么意思啊方面的...

每日小编都会为大家带来一些知识类的文章,那么今天小编为大家带来的是Stranger Under My Skin的歌词前面的英文独白式什么意思啊方面的消息知识,那么如果各位小伙伴感兴趣的话可以,认真的查阅一下下面的内容哦。

Love is a mystery to me"爱“对我来说是一个解不开的奥秘She was once here,and now she's someone that I could not bear No matter how I tried 'll the day I died 她曾经在我的生命中出现,但现在她现在已经是不能承受的人,无论我如尝试,试到死的一天Damages are done and hidden within 那些伤害已成和埋葬了Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin 那些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西all the burning roses filled up with ashes 燃烧着的玫瑰充满着灰烬crying out loud but no time for condolences 放声痛哭却已经没有时间去哀悼like a stranger's 'stare', she never cared 像一个陌生人的”眼光“,她从不在乎those were the thing that were hidden under my skin 那些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西drifing alone, on my own 孤独的流浪,一个人(是否是流浪值得商榷,因为这个繁体字,我不太认识)be it a car or a shooting star 一辆汽车,或一颗流星its glare finally came to the end of something i could not bear 它的光芒最终变成我不能承受的东西those were the thing that were hidden under my skin 这些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西



